Julio reached his dream of obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University Kingsville. His major is Range and Wildlife Management with a minor in Plant and Soil Science. Julio states his proudest time while at the university was becoming part of the Pathways program with the USDA. Pathways allowed Julio to intern in the field two summers in a row with some amazing and knowledgeable people. Julio graduated Magna Cum Laude, was in the Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi and was also a recipient of the Distinguished Student Award from the college of Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Julio states he is grateful to his girlfriend Brenda, for her insurmountable support, encouragement, and love and who has been with him from the beginning of his journey. And he is also proud to say that he is a Dream Achiever and appreciates the mentorship and guidance provided to be a successful student and individual. Julio has already found employment as a Soil Conservationist in Albany Texas with the Natural Resource Conservation Service Division of USDA. He begins early in 2021.